ArmSocks, Schloks & Other Things

ArmSocks, Schloks

The term ArmSock I picked up from an old friend who literally cut the feet off knee-high socks and wore them on her arms. After teaching myself to knit I wanted to push myself, and offered to make said friend some woolen ArmSocks. I did so, and they were pretty awesome. My one regret is not taking a photo of them before giving them to her! But, the art of ArmSocks has since come a long way, and I will take photos of new ones.

A Schlok, the Urban Dictionary will tell you, is, "A person unable to comprehend normal thought." Totally appropriate for me, as I actually can't comprehend how 'normal' people think; I have ADHD (along with other mental 'illnesses') which means my thoughts work, well, differently. However, here the Schlok is a neologism created by my husband's friend when I showed him a sock slipper I had knitted. He announced it to be a "slok", which in my head needs to be spelled with a 'ch'.

& Other Things

This "other things" includes both other knitting I do/have done, and other areas of my life.

I'm overall a creative person. Knitting is simply the art that currently fits best into my life. I also consider myself to be a writer, although it's so hard to find time to write with a toddler to care for. I've been known to paint, draw and make jewellery. Sometimes I do less challenging art forms such a cross stitch.

There aren't really many other areas of my life at the moment. I'm a full-time mum to a busy toddler, and I try to be a housewife. My mental health is an aspect of myself that, only since 2010, I've been getting help with, including medicated for, and meetings with psychologists and psychiatrists, and I'm slowly learning to accept and how to live with it. I've been diagnosed with bipolar (type II), adult ADHD (inattentive type), mild OCD, anxiety issues and borderline personality disorder (I don't have PTSD! Woo!). Add to this, messed up core-beliefs and extremely low self-esteem, and that's me. Everyone, including myself, is surprised I made it to my mid-twenties before admitting I needed help.

So, if you've found my site, read my words, and I've affected you in any way, drop me a comment to say hi.
I'll be grateful.

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